A Book of Shadows
Magick, Mystery and Madness
Have you ever fallen in love with the mystery and elusiveness of magick? Do the shadows make your pulse jump? Does energy work fill you with an intense pleasure?
I know that over the years it has done this for me and much more. What yearning can possess someone to seek initiations into secret organizations and knowledge? There is a hunger in my soul that only magick can fill and this book is for those like me.
In the subjective world of magick where everyone percieves differently there is one universal truth. Once you have experienced something magickal you can recognize when other people talk about similar experiences even when they use different words and concepts.
This is such a broad subject and there are so many places one could start.
I've chosen to begin my book of shadows with magick and it's ties to physical reality. Contrary to what many believe magick is for those seeking material manifestations and intense physical living. It is not an escape from reality but an intense immersion into physical reality.
Magickal energy is generated by the physical body. It stands to reason that anyone seriously interested in magick will take good care of their physical body and treat it as the temple it truely is.
Extreme living is the norm for magickal practioners. Often excessive, compulsive behavior is needed to develop the magickal powers of the soul. Think about it. An intense energy drives people that are serious about magick.
So what is magick? It makes me almost puke to hear "change in conformity with will" or some other garbage.
Let me tell you what I've heard from sources I trust. The Rosicrucians claim that H.Spencer Lewis,former Imperator, was able to manifest gold alchemically in a public demonstration. Joseph Weed mentions that a Rosicrucian Master manifested physical roses falling in an auditorium. These roses had stems that tapered to points. They were not natural flowers.
These statements clearly state physical manifestations are possible. As a Rosicrucian of over twenty years I've studied the techniques claimed to manifest these things. I have not had such impressive results. I some day hope to find conclusive proof of this one way or the other.
What I have personally experienced is powerful transformative techniques that have changed my life. These have been magickal in every way. I have also experienced precognitive dreams on a regular basis that prove physical events must happen astrally before they manifest physically.
I have also experienced lucid dreaming in which the outcome of an event was altered through will and magickal effort. There is no doubt such dreams altered the potential outcome of physical events that happened the next day.
In summary, astral work or dream work can and does alter physical reality before it manifests. That is enough for me to believe in the value of magickal workings and the validity of astral phenomenon.
In the pages that follow we will explore the unseen magickal worlds and the path of personal development.
bright blessings
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Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, survivalism, shaman, shamanism, sexuality, spells, magick
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