Friday, October 06, 2006

9th Degree Magickal Initiation

The 9th Degree belongs to those that have crossed the "Great Abyss" and entered into a new state of consciousness and awareness that is beyond the mental. Through the ages this awareness has been termed "Comic Consciousness" or "Christ Consciousness".

This awareness involves the direct perception of self-evident truth on a global and universal scale. The 9th Degree initiate simply "knows" things through direct perception.

The crossing of the "Great Abyss" is also entry into the stages of "unity" and membership into the group of Adepts known as "The Great White Brotherhood". This group of advanced souls guides and directs the human race in it's evolution.

In crossing the Great Abyss the Adept taps into the raw power of the Cosmic itself and makes a quantum leap into a new state of being. All old attainments are stripped away and a new permanent "Immortal Body" is born or created. This new immortal body is called a "babe of the abyss". It is the source of the term "born again" and "virgin birth". That is because there is a sexual aspect to it's creation.

In other posts and writings of my own I have openly stated my belief that the Gods and Goddesses of various pantheons throughout history were once human beings that attained to "Godhood" through the development of the "immortal physical" body as it is called by some.

That is why the 9th degree also holds the secret of sex magickal practice.

In essence sexual arousal and passion create a bio-electrical charge within the person or persons engaged in sexual activity of any type. This energy floods the body until it completely fills it up. This bio-electrical energy or charge should be channeled up the spine toward the "Spiritual Light" and the crown chakra. Sacred vows of "chastity" do not require abstinance but instead require a sense of the sacred and holy connected to sexual activity and its generation.

It is the cumulative formation and collection of this bio-electrical charge over time that results in the creation of the "immortal physical body" and the attainment of "Godhead".

All of creation is the result of the combination of male and female energies and I have written much about this duality in my own writings. Crowley adds an interesting twist to this that is supported by my own Rosicrucian studies.

The male and female through physical sex produce the miracle of life and this is happening at all levels of life throughout the universe. But true power and immortality come from the union of male and female energies through physical sex when no physical child is conceived. When this energy is forced to flow backwards within the body the combined male and female energies result in the development and birth of an astral child.

This reversal of the natural flow of energy was considered an abomination by some since it meant inventing ways of having sex that did not result in pregnancy and childbirth. The danger lie in losing sight of the sacredness of achieving the godhead and falling into abominations of non sacred sexuality.

In today's world we might even consider modern types of birth control including the male having a vasectomy as a method that would generate sexual energy and force it backwards through the body without pregnancy and child birth. This is also why most sex magickal practices are autoerotic.

Alchemically what happens is that seven sheathes or astral bodies are to created one at a time. The first is of Luna and a babe of the abyss. The second is of Venus. The Third Mars, the fourth Saturn, the fifth mercury, the sixth Jupiter and the seventh Sol. These also correspond to the seven lower sepheroth and the seven chakra centers of the body.

If we say this another way astral bodies are created out of spiritual, mental, emotional, sexual, etheric and physical energies. Each type of energy creates a specific type of astral body with specific abilities and characteristics.

The creation of these seven bodies leads to the final development of the "immortal physical" body. This final astral body is the synthisis of all the others. It marks the culmination of "inward magickal development" and the beginning of "outward" magickal development.

We are meant to be Gods and Goddesses and our most important and supreme efforts should be toward that attainment. Is summary it is possible to become Gods and Goddesses and many before us throughout history have done this and the pathway is a known one.

This supreme secret of developing the soul and becoming Gods and Goddesses through the generation of bio-electrical sexual energy has not only been at the root of all religions and mystery schools of the past but will also be the root of all religions and mystery schools of the future. As above and so below, the spiritual light will always be associated with the phallus and sperm while the moon and the earth will always be associated with the female mysteries.

Like the yin/yang symbol neither male or female will ever encompass the divine in totality. There are mysteries for the male that are incomprehensible to any female and likewise there are mysteries for the female that are incomprehensible to any male. Each has it's mysteries, worship and devotions and they complement each other, needing and using each other to create stability and unity in self and in the creation of the universe. If you are male, follow the male mysteries and if you are female, follow the female mysteries. In so doing each can become the God and Goddess. Be ever mindful that there is always another half that is with held from each. We are divided for the sake of coming together.

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Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells, magick, survivalism


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