10th Degree Magickal Initiation
There is more to it than this because they become in a very real sense the source of the magickal power and current that flows through the membership. Without them and their energy the membership would fall apart.
Seen in this context the 10th Degree Adept is someone that has gathered a following and inspired them to continue in the tradition they are being taught. They have attained both personal energy and group energy. The membership believes in them and in what they can do. This is a very powerful position. It is also a position that can be easily abused if the Adept did not truely earn their grade.
The Art of Magick
This secret is the true key to magick and the ability to impose one's will upon nature. In the beginning magickal practice involves internal and personal change. It does not realistically affect external reality. This is termed the "Lesser Work" and involves the integration and healing of the ego into a solid healthy unit.
The generation of energy especially sexual energy in the correct manner pools inside a person and grows into a solid core of pure energy and vitality. As it does this it knocks repressed energy loose and activates buried psychological issues and trauma by bringing them into awareness. This might also bring psychotic behaviors if done improperly. That is why working with sexual energy in a magickal manner brings so many warnings and cautions with it.
Mantak Chia talks about the development of sexual energy and gaining the ability to achieve orgasm without sperm loss. In my understanding this is the true secret behind magickal development. Sexual arousal reaches a heightened point where bio-electrical/sexual energy floods the entire body and is channeled in particular up the spine. Sperm loss is prevented by forcibly keeping the pelvic diaphram tightly shut. It does not drain into the bladder as some critics maintain.
For the female the bio-electical energy naturally floods the entire body during sexual arousal and orgasm. The secret is for the male to become more like the female in this experience. The energy from a physical experience is forced to become a non-physical experience as the energy floods the body. Physical energy is stressed to the point that it transmutes into magnetic/astral energy.
Crowley mentions the fable of the Leprachaun as a hidden way of talking about this. Holding the little man tightly and not letting him escape no matter how hard he tries will lead a person to a pot of gold. The hidden meaning of this fable is the importance of learning how to control the orgasm and use the sexual energy to fill the body without loosing control. This is very hard for the untrained person to do but very natural at the same time.
There is a sharp contrast and distinction between Mantak Chia and Crowley. Mantak Chia is a very strong advocate of achieving orgasm without sperm loss and Crowley is a strong advocate of consumption of the sexual fluids after orgasm.
The answer to this riddle lies in the nature of sexual energy itself. It is bio-electrical in nature and the sperm contains energy like electricity in a charged battery. All physical matter is potentially capacitive in nature and capable of holding or discharging energy. When sexual energy floods the body the bio-electrical charge is being drained from the sperm. After orgasm sperm might have nutritional value but it's bio-electrical energy is rapidly lost or already lost in the waves of pleasure flooding the body before orgasm itself. This is why sexual arousal and prolonged love making is so powerful.
Mantak Chia's method of deliberately generating sexual energy without sperm loss is possible. I have done it with remarkable results. I also found sperm loss would not allow the generation of sexual energy daily for any length of time. I would simply not have the energy for it. Mantak Chia is right, Crowley is wrong, at least in the sense of what I can do twice daily over a seven year period.
Crowley goes on to state this practice gives mixed results of a sporadic nature that follow no rhyme or reason. My twice daily experience “ALWAYS” led to intense astral activity and vivid dreams during the night. It was as if a strong electrical charge was injected into the astral and needed to work itself out during the nights dream activity. This included severe astral conflicts and succubus type experiences that were caused by the generation of this energy.
What follows are some blind superstitions about what Crowley thought was happening and why the results were so sporadic.
Crowley thought diet was a factor such as eating a heavy meal. My experience proves otherwise. The development of sexual energy was always the same even though it was more difficult at times. There were times the astral seemed receptive to more energy, times when it would not accept energy and times when it drained energy from me on it's own. This receptivity of the astral was tied in very strongly to the lunar cycle. Times that were most critical were near the full moon and the new moon.
At these times the stress could be felt very intensely during the day and it could also be felt when the stress broke free and the energy was released somewhere in the astral or within myself. This build up of energy "pressurized" my astral system and found any weak spots causing them to rupture. In time the weak spots were external within the world and not internal. All of this involved the creation of the "magickal link" in a meaningful manner.
Any amount of work with sexual energy will be of benefit dependant upon the intensity and length of time practiced. Saftey precautions must be practiced to avoid pressurizing the system and activating repressed energy pockets. This could result in psychotic behaviors.
The build up of this energy produced vivid dreams and astral experiences of a dramatic nature. My experience was of energy expanding outward into the astral planes and encountering other energies. Sometimes it would react in a positive manner and sometimes in a negative manner. This was a time of extreme astral conflicts and duels in which I always emerged victorious or in a draw. I could tell I was gaining in power and ability. I spent lots of time in astral travel researching and gathering information.
As each astral body was created new sensory perceptions were possible within astral journeys. At first these journeys were mental projections but later developed into etheric projections.
Crowley mentions the sporadic nature of results seen in performing sex magick for particular results. Sometimes you would get good results and other times you would not. My experience showed sexual energy would act like matter/anti-matter when it contacted opposing energy and both energies would be destroyed. If the opposing force was very strong repeated dream encounters might be required before it was totally destroyed. The main concept here was my energy would replenish itself faster than the opposing energy would.
This would be very much like moving a mountain out of the way one bucket full at a time. Each encounter reduces the size of the mountain but for a long time it remains bigger than you are. This results in recurring dreams until the issue is resolved and you overpower the resistance.
Magickal empowerment through this practice shows the astral worlds in an entirely different way. Somethings are easy to change and others might be impossible to affect magickally. As the magickal energy grows the stress in the astral grows also. The astral will always rupture at the weakest link. If the weakest link is within the practicioner the result will be inner growth with the repair and strengthening of the damaged area.
Basically the magician is developing the ability to contain this magickal/sexual energy and direct it where they will. The ability to contain this energy is difficult to attain and leads to seemingly sporadic results.
All of the above deals mainly with autoerotic practices.
Mantak Chia offers clarity and insight into this issue by saying that some sexual partners are compatable and the energies join together in a permanent manner that works to develop the soul and it's powers.
Other sexual partners are not compatable and the sexual energy generated is destroyed and dissapears after a few days.
Thus in magick it is important to find a sexual partner you can work magick with and have your energies blend to create stronger souls and magickal abilities.
You know when this happens because your blended energies create something in the relationship in in your soul that was not there before. The soul responds by growing.
Crowley does alude to this and calls these magickal partners "scarlet women". He had seven or eight of them over a period of years. My experience does echo this except I called the women "soulmates" because that is what I thought they were at the time. Each cycle with a different woman builds up one of the "sheaths" or "astral bodies", there being eight in all. I did not have physical sexual relations with many of my "scarlet women", Crowley had physical and astral sexual relations with all of them. I had "astral" sexual relations with all of them. Similar but proving that it is not physical sex but astral sex that is what is important here.
Semen and sexual fluids are highly conductive physical molecules with an immense ability to hold or discharge bio-electrical energy. It is the bio-electrical energy that carries the magick and produces magickal effects, not the sexual fluids themselves. This is obvious to any male that has attempted sex using a rubber condom that prevents the bio-electrical current from flowing easily. Condoms prevent energy flow. They act as an electrical insulator.
It is the bio-electrical energy that is channeled up the spine or transmitted to magickal objects during "sex magick" workings. This bio-electrical energy appears equally in men and women but with different natures. Males can only produce male sexual energy and females can only produce female sexual energy. Magick and the development of the soul and it's powers requires an equal balance from both. We need to get what we lack from our partners.
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