The Boundary Between Physical and Astral
The secret of astral vs physical first shows up at the cellular level. Somehow there is a guiding intelligence and organizational awareness surrounding each living cell. This organizing and guiding intelligence remains even when new neutrients pass into the cell and waste materials pass out.
What this means metaphysically is that something exists independent of raw physical matter. It also has the ability to detach from old matter and attatch to new matter. While the cell lives this is the vital life force and the aura that surrounds it. When the cell dies this aura or "ghost" moves on and is attracted to another living cell. It assists this new cell to follow its old behaviors.
In these two examples we find both living astral entities and spirit or ghost astral entities or organizing intelligences.
The living astral intelligence has the sole purpose of keeping the individual organism alive. It is created from the vital life force of living things and ultimately creates the "Shadow" aspect or "Power Animal". It is worth noting that this "Shadow" of vital life force can transfer itself from one cell to another in order to remain alive. In occult terminology a shaman's Shadow can be transmitted to an apprentice that is properly trained. The Shadow exists in the astral as living "life energy".
Spirit or ghost organizing intelligences move more easily from one organism to another. They form the group soul of a species and will sacrifice the individual for the good of the collective. This holistic organizing intelligence seeks to maintain the entire ecosystem in balance so it can sustain life permanently.
It contains the wisdom of what has gone before and offers a path for new life to follow. In the individual this creates the "Holy Guardian Angel" aspect.
As cellular life evolved into organisms they split into male and female. The rudimentary Holy Guardian Angel aspect attached itself to male organisms and the Shadow aspect attached to female organisms. The task of the HGA was to keep the ecosystem balanced and the task of the Shadow was to create new life.
In todays world things have evolved to the point where we find the HGA and the Shadow aspects in both males and females equally. One aspect will be dominant and the other will be dormant waiting to be developed. Biblical terminology has called those with the HGA dominant "Sons and daughters of God" and those with the Shadow dominant "Sons and daughters of Man".
What this means metaphysically is that something exists independent of raw physical matter. It also has the ability to detach from old matter and attatch to new matter. While the cell lives this is the vital life force and the aura that surrounds it. When the cell dies this aura or "ghost" moves on and is attracted to another living cell. It assists this new cell to follow its old behaviors.
In these two examples we find both living astral entities and spirit or ghost astral entities or organizing intelligences.
The living astral intelligence has the sole purpose of keeping the individual organism alive. It is created from the vital life force of living things and ultimately creates the "Shadow" aspect or "Power Animal". It is worth noting that this "Shadow" of vital life force can transfer itself from one cell to another in order to remain alive. In occult terminology a shaman's Shadow can be transmitted to an apprentice that is properly trained. The Shadow exists in the astral as living "life energy".
Spirit or ghost organizing intelligences move more easily from one organism to another. They form the group soul of a species and will sacrifice the individual for the good of the collective. This holistic organizing intelligence seeks to maintain the entire ecosystem in balance so it can sustain life permanently.
It contains the wisdom of what has gone before and offers a path for new life to follow. In the individual this creates the "Holy Guardian Angel" aspect.
As cellular life evolved into organisms they split into male and female. The rudimentary Holy Guardian Angel aspect attached itself to male organisms and the Shadow aspect attached to female organisms. The task of the HGA was to keep the ecosystem balanced and the task of the Shadow was to create new life.
In todays world things have evolved to the point where we find the HGA and the Shadow aspects in both males and females equally. One aspect will be dominant and the other will be dormant waiting to be developed. Biblical terminology has called those with the HGA dominant "Sons and daughters of God" and those with the Shadow dominant "Sons and daughters of Man".
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Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,
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