Saturday, February 10, 2007

Priest, Ruler, Warrior and Healer

In other material I've covered the first four types of cellular life. These were each created from one of the four parts of sine wave energy.

The first type of life was vegetable life, the second animal life, the third reptile life and the final type of cell formed the origins of insect life. In living organisms these form the basis of the respiratory system(plant),circulatory system(animal),nervous system(reptile) and the disgestive system(insect).

These four types of life are symbolized as the four Archangels that stand before the throne of God. Each one of us has a soul that originated from one of these four Architypes.

Ancient wisdom states we belong to one of these four groups and must find our own soul group. In the caste system these are the castes of Priest, Ruler, Warrior and Healer.

The Priest is absorbed in our connection with light and he or she channels that energy to the rest of the world. It is the Priest that attains cosmic consciousness and learns the will of God and Goddess. He will give needed council to the ruler as needed.

The Ruler is absorbed in the administrative tasks of the human collective. She organizes and directs needed activity and discipines wrongful actions. She represents the hierarchy within the human race. This is especially true of a Matriarchal system.

The Warrior serves the Ruler and carries out her will in all things. His aggression and courage ensure that her will is supreme. He is the Rulers mate and his fearocity matched her own. His is the will to live and survive no matter what. He does what needs to be done.

The Healer is today's scientist and doctor. She uses technology to heal the world and the human race. It is her task to heal the mess the other three create and form a united symbiotic system out of them all. She completes the circle of life even as the Ruler creates it.

In terms of the Holy Guardian Angel and the Shadow the Priest finds its Shadow in the Warrior and the Ruler finds her Shadow in the Healer and vice versa. The Warrior finds his shadow in the Priest and the Healer finds her Shadow in the Ruler.

In becoming complete each soul must become either Priest/Warrior or Ruler/Healer. They will find their soulmate in the others. The Priest/Warrior will find his soulmate in the Ruler/Healer and she will find him when the time is right.

The first step is to find what soul group you belong to and perfect that training and skill. Then connect with your Shadow aspect and develop that as well. This is the underlying basis of all occult and metaphysical literature.

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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,


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