Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Astral Planes-The Mental Planes

Last time I mentioned how Hydrogen and Helium combine in the astral as two bits of awareness or sensory inputs to form the Architypal Spiritual planes. This level is limited in depth and often appears as black and white because it only has two elements to create with.

I also mentioned how the astral body at this level is human shaped but like a balloon with no defining characteristics or depth.

Physicsl science tells us that the atom can have up to seven rings of orbiting electrons around it. This means seven shells or astral bodies are possible. The inner most astral body is created from two bits of awareness as we have already mentioned. Let's move on to the next electron rings.

The second and third shells or rings around the nucleus of an atom each contain a possible 8 electrons or bits of awareness. It takes eight bits of awareness to create an astral body in each of these astral planes. There are two mental planes and each is essentially visual in nature.

These astral planes are the Abstract Mental Astral Plane and the Concrete Mental Astral Plane respectively. The mental planes have more detail than the spiritual plane but not as much detail or sensory data as the emotional planes.

The Abstract Mental Plane consists of images too complex to easily place into words. We experience this world through the images of our imagination. This is also the realm of philosophical thought and reasoning. We leave our physical body when we journey in this astral plane.

A good example of this is when you become lost in a good book and are not aware of what is going around you.

The Concrete Mental Plane consists of words and the lower ego or self awareness. This is where we process much of our sensory data and make meaning of it. This is where we spend most of our waking life.

Astral bodies at these levels lack feeling and emotion. There is a detatched aspect that allows us to observe what is going on around us and not get caught up in it. The imagery is rich and detailed. These astral planes seem very much like dreams that lack emotional content.

We gain access to the Spiritual plane through the Crown Chakra. Access to the Abstract Mental plane is through the Third Eye Chakra. Access to the Concrete Mental plane is through the Throat Chakra.

Our awareness can flow out of each of these openings and travel through the astral cords/magnetic field lines or ley lines that surround the earth. The Body of Light can only travel through those cords associated with the elements Hydrogen and Helium. Likewise for the other Mental Bodies. They can only travel in their own specific worlds. You can't bring emotions into the mental planes. They can't exist there.

The flip side of this is that the Body of Light can travel the lower planes in a limited manner and pickup black and white detail. It can get a basic grasp of what is going on. The same holds true for the mental bodies. They can be integrated into the emotional realms but with limited sensory details. This is how we objectively gain awareness of our emotional nature and begin to work with it.

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