The Astral Planes-The Soul
The soul is a spark of awareness like an electron. It once was an electron and a spark of light. Through the eons the spark of awareness grew more complex and its awareness included more things.
First it was simply a spark of divine light pulsating outward as a photon and then returning to source as an electron. That was before it started to rotate.
Think of the electron and the electron cloud that surrounds the atom. The cloud is made up of magnetic flux lines or astral cords that create the pathways for the electron to travel through. Perhaps it might help to think of these astral cords as tubes because that is more like what they really are.
They are tubes that the electron goes through. These tubes surround the earth and create its magnetic field or aura. These tubes also surround each one of us and create our aura. Our awareness travels like electrons through these tubes at the speed of light. As our awareness or soul travels through these tubes we have the sensation of being aware of our physical bodies.
The soul is a complex electron that has evolved into a complex plasma like energy that travels through the tubes or astral cords that surround our physical bodies. It can also be developed to the point it can leave our physical bodies and travel through the tubes surrounding the earth and the tubes surrounding other people.
First the soul can travel only through the tubes that surround the physical body. It only has an awareness of the physical body except at night when it escapes while we are sleeping. In dreams it travels through the tubes that surround the earth. These nightly journeys are astral travels.
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