Thursday, March 29, 2007

A New World Is Being Born

The Order of Anarchistic Knights is in part a dream of a utopian society consisting of loosely linked individuals around the world that share common values and beliefs. The Rosicrucians taught that it was common for fellow Rosicrucians to repell each other in personality even though they believed and were bonded in the same brotherhood. They stood far apart like pillars that supported the heavens. There was no need for them to be a closely knit group of people.

OAK is meant to exist in a similar vein. The membership supports each other in the freedom to exist as each sees fit according to the voice of conscience. The common link is to place absolute trust with the voice of conscience as an internal authority and the development of self-discipline as opposed to force backed external authority.

We have an understanding that the universe is a chaos energy system and there is a need to explore all possibilities before making a quantum leap in the evolution of humanity. This is not a popular choice and humanity is at a crossroads.

The current government is no longer viable and insists upon going against natural law by keeping alive institutions and policies that reward passive compliance and lack of personal effort. Hard work and rugged individualism are not tolerated. Does our current government ensure the well being of its citizens or does it threaten personal liberties and creativity?

Why have we gotten away from living by example to relying on force backed laws? These are interesting questions. Can humanity establish community based upon reflection and choice enforced through self-discipline or must we forever depend upon legislation enforced by guns?

This book is going to explore these issues at length. You might ask what these topics have to do with magick,mystery and madness. True magickal power is not what is commonly percieved.

Every individual has the right to love, a modest life, modest work and a modest home. They also have a right to spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health. The other OAK material covers these areas.

What does it take to be rich or powerful? The answer is simple. It takes people that believe in you and your product. Think about it. The rich and famous are that way because they have done something or represent something to a large segment of the population. They are rich and famous because they have been given group energy. The magickal energy of the group supports them and their efforts.

This is one of the reasons OAK members link together through physical initiations and connect with each other through friendships and study groups. There is magickal power in the group and OAK members are interested in personal empowerment. It is a movement for mental and emotional health as well as a movement for personal freedom. OAK members linked together create a motive force that can change the world.

Modern chaos theory tells how the wind from a butterfly's wings can change the weather patterns on the other side of the world. Everything is that connected. Imagine what OAK can do.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Introduction to the Order of Anarchistic Knights

OAK is a modern day mystery school that has teachings adapted and appropriate for modern humanity. It is a magickal Order devoted to the empowerment of the human race and to the advancement of magick in it's most simple and primal form, pure energy and pure power.

OAK is based on "Chaos" theory and results. This knowledge and power is freely given to all and is believed to be the fastest and safest way of magickal development possible at this time. As a person works through all three degrees of self empowerment they will learn to understand the benefits of physical initiation and it is hoped that all "Anarchistic Knights" will choose to link energies when possible through physical initiations.

There are striking similarities between this tradition and the commonly observed "Wiccan" tradition. Any student of the Wiccan or Pagan path will find much of interest here.

Magister Templi has been reorganized into a 260 page book that is available as an ebook download or a quality paperback. The entire book will continue to be published online as a blog with weekly installments. Essays will be presented in their entirety unless they are over six pages in length. There will be more information than ever before and it will be presented in a more organized manner for ease of understanding.

This represents the OAK 1st Degree study material and will provide conceptual initiation into advanced metaphysical topics. It will also provide a solid framework on which to build your own paradigm or belief system. Compare to a software upgrade on your computer that is more suitable for today's world. It integrates hard science, religion, psychology, metaphysics and objectivism into a working system that gets results.

The work of the 1st Degree is purification, development of a personal belief system and integration of the ego with the Super Ego, Christ Consciousness, Collective, Holy Guardian Angel or Deity. Different paths use different words for the same thing.

Magister Templi is meant to complement the OAK 1st Degree Initiation. The 1st Degree initiation is a physical initiation that creates a magickal link and energy exchange between members. Physical initiation and membership in a community is an important part of self empowerment. It is also a life choice.

Foundations has been reorganized into a 260 page book that is available as an ebook download or a quality paperback. The entire book will continue to be published online as a blog with weekly installments. Essays will be presented in their entirety unless they are over six pages in length. There will be more information than ever before and it will be presented in a more organized manner for ease of understanding.

This represents the OAK 2nd Degree study material and will provide conceptual initiation into advanced self-empowerment topics. It will also provide a solid framework on which to build competency and success in your daily life. Compare Foundations to a brand new computer system that is more suitable for today's world. It integrates physical reality, hard work and personal effort into a working system that gets results. This is the ultimate self-help book.

The work of the 2nd Degree is physical empowerment, assertiveness and integration of the ego with the Shadow, Power Animal, Id, or instinctual self. Different paths use different words for the same thing.

Foundations is meant to complement the OAK 2nd Degree Initiation. The 2nd Degree initiation is a physical initiation that creates a magickal link and energy exchange between members. Physical initiation and membership in a community is an important part of self empowerment. It is also a life choice.

Alligator Alley:Survivalism is being organized into a book that will be available as an ebook download or a quality paperback. The entire book will be published online as a blog with weekly installments. Essays will be presented in their entirety unless they are over six pages in length. There will be more information than ever before and it will be presented in a more organized manner for ease of understanding. This is currently under development.

This represents the OAK 3rd Degree study material and will provide conceptual initiation into advanced Rosicrucian and Freemasonry topics. It will also provide a solid framework on which to build community and brotherhood in daily life. Compare Alligator Alley:Survivalism to an internet connection that connects you not only with the rest of the world but with those that share your values and interests. It integrates the 32 Degree of Scottish Freemasonry with the latest in human potentials and community resources. The goal of this work is to teach how important collective action and human brotherhood really is. Many people can get more done than what one person can. The human collective is an important source of empowerment.

The work of the 3rd Degree is to find others of like mind that share your personal values and beliefs. Family, community and support are important and life is not worth living without them. Different paths use different words for the same thing.

Alligator Alley:Survivalism is meant to complement the OAK 3rd Degree Initiation. The 3rd Degree initiation is a physical initiation that creates a magickal link and energy exchange between members. Physical initiation and membership in a community is an important part of self empowerment. It is also a life choice.

Magick, Mystery and Madness is being reorganized into a book that will be available as an ebook download or a quality paperback. The entire book will continue to be published online as a blog with weekly installments. Essays will be presented in their entirety unless they are over six pages in length. There will be more information than ever before and it will be presented in a more organized manner for ease of understanding. This information is currently under development.

This represents the OAK 4th Degree study material and will provide information for those wishing formal membership into the Order of Anarchistic Knights. Each living person is entitled to the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical benefits provided through the teachings of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degrees. These are considered the outer circle of the Order. The 4th Degree is for those wishing to build the OAK community around the world by offering study groups and local initiations. Compare Magick, Mystery and Madness to beginning your own local OAK chapter as a representative of a way of living that brings results and success in life. This is the establishment of a formal brotherhood and family on a local level.

The work of the 4th Degree is the establishment of local OAK centers around the world and the establishment of OAK as community with its rewards and challenges. It requires personal commitment to the Order and taking a leadership position. Different paths use different words for the same thing.

Magick, Mystery and Madness
is meant to complement the OAK 4th Degree Initiation. The 4th Degree initiation is a physical initiation that creates a magickal link and energy exchange between members. Physical initiation and membership in a community is an important part of self empowerment. It is also a life choice.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

Friday, March 16, 2007

The Ego, Anima and Animus

We've talked about the Shadow and the Collective but what role do the ego, anima and animus play in human lives? If the Shadow and Collective are secondary personalities that need to be integrated what are the ego, anima and animus?

The normal ego is the bridge and mediator between the Shadow and the Collective when they are integrated. The Anima or Animus represent the opposite sex aspect of our own souls. Males have a feminine aspect that is not developed and females have a male aspect that is not developed. We need to have a balance of male and female for our egos to develop whole and healthy. We need to be balanced to be a true partner to someone else.

We might say the Shadow represents everything we are not. This includes the things we dislike and fear. That is why the Shadow is seen as evil and Satanic. We project fears and distortions onto it.

The Collective represents the astral memory traces of the way things have always been. It represents what we call our destiny or pathway in life. In reality there is only the present moment and the collective only suggests what might happen if we continue our present course of action.

The anima or animus respectively represents those things we wish we were but feel we aren't. The opposite sex aspect is what we find missing in ourselves. The Shadow and Collective as secondary personalities are both alien entities to our normal ego. We don't miss them because we don't consider them a part of us.

Astral energy is generated at the cellular level by our physical bodies. It can be either male or female depending on our own gender. A male physical cell can not generate female astral energy because it does not have an XX Chromosome. A female physical cell can not generate male astral energy because it does not have an XY Chromosome. This is basic biology.

The needed opposite sex energy has to come from an opposite sex partner in some manner. This is the spark between people in love relationships that attracts them together and allows their souls to grow as their energy combines. This might also be the spark that brings friends together.

Relationships can be romantic, sexual, or platonic. There are many types of male/female energy that can be shared. There are many types of love. male/female energy can even be transmitted through internet lines as many are finding out. This male/female energy can be spiritual, mental, emotional, sexual or physical. All types of energy need to be explored and it is unlikely that one person can supply them all.

Through the development of the relationship male/female energy is shared and the part of us that is missing becomes developed. We become able to find in ourselves what we were looking for in others. At that point of wholeness and completeness the spark dies and the relationship moves on either to explore new energies or it dies and you move on to find a new partner. Once we find in ourselves what we were looking for we no longer need the other person in the same way. The relationship changes and the feelings change as well. The other person is not longer special in the same way.

We may have become balanced in that energy but our unbalanced energies will act to destroy the relationship. Our partner doesn't have the required energies this time.

This is why love sparks in relationships and then later dies in some relationships. That energy was used to create astral bodies complete with psychic sensory abilities created out of a particular type of energy. The energy of love creates a healthy human ego in both people in one of the 118 possible elements. Good work! There are only 117 levels left to develop.

In actual practice and in tradition we seem to have seven great loves and not 118. We each have a soulmate partner to develop the seven chakra centers. When all seven astral bodies have been developed our ego is balanced and complete. This is the lessor work. When we are done our ego is strong enough to integrate the Collective and the Shadow. Only after all those things are done can we be healthy enough and balanced enough to find our true mate, our equal. We find them not out of need but because we are healthy enough and ready to be an equal partner in all ways.

Relationships and love do make the world go round.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Spiritual Planes and the Magickal Planes

When we consider everything that exists as photon driven energy systems that are evolving it means human awareness as well. When we consider the organizing intelligence contained within a cell that remains unconnected to the physical matter that is passed into it and out of it we understand life has evolved past the point of being completely dependent on molecular compound energy. Something exists independently in the astral as life energy.

Entering the astral is at first dependent on the energy produced through the breaking of compound molecules and the stresses of physical existence. A point is reached where existence within the astral is sustained directly through a connection with the original photon driven energy system that first created our awareness in combination with a solid earth connection through our physical body and terminating at the 118th element.

When the evolutionary force reached the 118th element and can't go any further it begins backing up and enters the astral as the life force. It is this force that first organises as bions.

This cellular intelligence and organizing principle has been called the life force, the ID, the Shadow,the Power Animal, Gaia and Lucifer. The evolutionary forces have formed this life force into a secondary personality that exists within each one of us as an alien entity.

This life force and organizing intelligence passes from living organism to living organism if possible. Consider that every living thing has been created from some other living thing. No living thing has been created out of something dead. The life force has adapted in many ways to ensure the continuity of life on planet earth.

The death of cellular life created memory traces within the astral of blueprints that recorded past life patterns through time. As those dying energy pulses returned to source they became free to enter life once more. This time able to choose the type of life they wanted to live and re-experience.

Re-entering a previously lived life meant there was a preordained destiny to follow but it also meant the ability to improve upon that individual life and make it more successful. These astral memory traces formed around living organisms and species as group souls. They also formed around the entire earth as ecosytems creating a delicate balance within all living things.

These memory traces have been called destiny, the astral, egregores, the collective,our ancestors, the Super Ego, the Divine Plan and the Holy Guardian Angel. They represent how things will be in the future because they are the memories of how things have always been.

We call this organizing intelligence our Holy Guardian Angel and it forms a secondary personality within each one of us distinct from our Shadow Aspect. It is also alien to our normal ego and is architypal in nature.

The Shadow aspect of life energy forms around the 118th element at our root chakra. The Collective forms around the earth as the memory traces created by past living systems. We as pulses of awareness choose to re-enter previously created life times and work within those conditions to bring about change in ourselves and in the expansion of life into the universe.

That pulse of awareness we call the normal human ego. With human life we find our awareness able to travel in three possible worlds. Ordinary consciousness is associated as our pulse of awareness radiates outward into the present moment. This is our awareness of physical reality.

In dreams or meditation we use energy generated during the day to enter into the underworld of the Shadow or the Spiritual worlds to explore the future as it currently exists. We term these the Spiritual Planes and the Magickal Planes.

The Spiritual Planes encircle the earth in 118 layers with the element Hydrogen creating the outermost layer. Our awareness travels through astral cords or magnetic flux lines to explore these memory traces of what is meant to happen in the future.

At the earth's core the element 118 has seven electron rings and 118 electrons. The molecules of element 118 within our DNA is linked to the earth's core and our awatreness at times travels the seven underworlds created within the 118th element. This has been termed the magickal planes, the underworld and the seven hells.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

Sunday, March 04, 2007

OAK Magickal Training

The OAK system of magick recognizes 121 different primary magickal energies. Level one energy is "Absolute Light" or the "Photon State" and is the highest level possible. Level 121 is "Absolute Black" or the "void". These two levels are Cosmic power sources like the two poles of a battery. There is a tremendous voltage between these two levels and the magickal energy will take any pathway possible to go from one to the other.

Unlike past magickal traditions that used either "Absolute Light" or "Absolute Black" as power sources, OAK uses both at the same time. It is much like the difference between the electrical system in a flashlight that uses direct current and the electrical outlet in your home that uses alternating current at a much higher voltage. OAK uses alternating current between levels 1 and 121. The energy flow is in both directions.

Because of the two way energy flow, an OAK magician needs to balance and harmonize his or her higher self with their shadow self and integrate them under the rulership of the healthy human ego. In short, an OAK magician needs to be healthy physically, emotionally, and mentaly in order to handle the extreme energies they work with.

"Absolute Light" is considered as expansive and masculine or "God" energy. "Absolute Black" is considered an inward manifesting,gravitational type energy and is considered feminine or "Goddess" energy. These are the two primal power sources that drive the entire OAK magickal system. "Absolute Light" and "Absolute Black" have no moral attributes such as right or wrong. In fact, they are both considered extremely healthy and needed for life.

Level 2 is rotating magnetic field energy. This can be either clockwise or counterclock wise and either outward moving or inward moving, male or female. Level 2 energy actually links levels 1 and 121 together for the first time and creates and alternate route for the cosmic energy to flow. Rotating magnetic field energy is another name for the "magickal cone of power" that is generated during magickal work. The expansive male type of vortex is protective in nature and keeps out non harmonious influences. This is most commonly used and the deosal circle or clockwise. The counterclockwise or widdershins vortex is a manifesting vortex that aids in the physical manifesting of things. It however, mutates and alters intent to get results so it is not commonly used and considered dangerous.

Levels 3 through 120 are simply the non-physical energies of the physical elements Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium....ect. Each new level is created with the addition of one Proton (Light energy) and one electron ("Black energy). The non-physical levels 3 through 120 create the astral layers around the earth itself. The outermost layer is the Hydrogen layer, the next inner layer is the Helium layer and the next inner to that is the Lithium layer....ect. So in OAK we find exactly 118 layers in the astral world and each layer is associated with one physical element and in the non-physical aspect of that element.

The heaviest possible element has seven complete electron rings around it. Like the seven colors of the rainbow and the seven musical notes of the piano keyboard seven is very significant in nature.

In the process of evolving from Hydrogen as the first element down to the heaviest element one electron and one proton is added to create the next element. When an ring is complete a Noble Gas is formed. There are only two electrons possible in the first inner shell. This creates Helium. Thus Helium as a noble gas has the energies of both Hydrogen and Helium within it if you follow my thinking here. Helium and Hydrogen energies form the "Crown Chakra energies". These two energies together form the "Architypal world" in the astral as the highest spiritual planes.

In the same manner the non-physical aspects of Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon,Nitrogen, Oxygen, Flourine and the noble gas Neon form the "Third Eye" chakra energies. This happens in like manner for each of the remaining elements and chakras found in the human body.

OAK has found that this system of 121 types of magickal energy can explain most magickal systems now in use. The OAK chart of magickal correspondences shows how they overlap with each other.

OAK magickal training should begin by reading the three duality essays found in Magister Templi. Time should be taken at each descibed level to mentally associate a personal memory with the state of awareness described. Contrary to popular opinion all of us have experienced glimpses of each of these levels of awareness. By linking personal memories to these levels we begin the process of organizing our thoughts and memories. These essays also begin the process of balancing and integrating the "Higher Self" and the "Shadow Self" in a harmonious manner. This is similar to what Jungian Psychologists call the process of individuation. The reading and study of these three essays will furnish the first OAK initiation.

Next begin working with the Energy Ball meditation. This meditation when done correctly connects a person to both Levels 1 and 121 as Cosmic Power sources. Connecting to these Cosmic power sources greatly increases the flow of energy within the physical body. A greater flow of energy creates a greater magnetic or magickal ability to attract or repell. That greater ability to attract or repell is what we want. We also want to be able to control it.

The Energy Ball meditation also opens energy passages within the body and gets one used to experiencing and working with each of the chakra energies in the body and eliminates repressed emotional baggage and trouble spots that prevent us from moving forward. In short, it is a healing experience.

OAK 1st and 2nd Degree physical initiations help anchor the Cosmic power sources within the body. The 1st Degree anchors the "Absolute Light" energy and the 2nd Degree anchors the "Absolute Black" energy. In addition physical initiations create a parallel circuit effect because the initiator's energies are also going through you as well as your own and this lowers internal resistance and increases the energy flow within the body. Increasing the energy flow also increases the magnetic or magickal ability to repell or attract. Remember the increased ability to repell or attract is what we are looking for as well as learning how to control that ability.

That is why physical linking is such an important concept in OAK. It is not enough to become a 3rd Degree OAK member. Each 3rd Degree should try to physically link with every other 3rd degree possible to mingle the energies within him or herself and increase the magnetic or magickal ability to attract or repel.

In addition to physical initiations the student should invoke each energy level 1 through 121 into themselves in both a clockwise and counterclock wise fashion. The table of Magickal Correspondences can help have the proper associations like the proper tarot cards. I used the Golden Dawn Tarot Deck when I did it and voked the power of each appropriate card at the same time. It was long and time consuming but well worth it. Doing this increases the connection with the Cosmic power sources and the individual elemental level and makes the connection much stronger allowing more energy to flow and increasing the magickal ability to attract or repel. I went through each invocation quite rapidly perhaps doing 20 at a time.

Having done that the student should be pretty strong at the elemental level and begin work on developing the seven astral bodies out of the seven chakra energies. There are ideas on this in the "Developing Charisma " essays. These astral bodies are also developed naturally through our relationships with other people. The material on the Tarot attempts to relate this process of mutual soul growth through exchanging personal energies at various levels.

Finally and most importantly the student must develop their own personal paradigm or version of reality. They must get rid of any flaws and weak areas where energy escapes. Reading and studying the OAK materials, especially "Foundations" and the monograph series will assist in challenging and perfecting one's personal beliefs and helping them to become more effective in their personal life. Exposure to these concepts will alter one's life forever.

It is also hoped that the fully empowered 3rd Degree OAK member will choose to physically link together with other 3rd degree members for mutual empowerment.

The OAK process of magickal development is largely mechanical, if you do the work, the energy will do it's work on you. Experience in life gives us the ability to learn how to control our enhanced magickal abilities to attract those things we wish and repel those things we don't want.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

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