The OAK system of magick recognizes 121 different primary magickal energies. Level one energy is "Absolute Light" or the "Photon State" and is the highest level possible. Level 121 is "Absolute Black" or the "void". These two levels are Cosmic power sources like the two poles of a battery. There is a tremendous voltage between these two levels and the magickal energy will take any pathway possible to go from one to the other.
Unlike past magickal traditions that used either "Absolute Light" or "Absolute Black" as power sources, OAK uses both at the same time. It is much like the difference between the electrical system in a flashlight that uses direct current and the electrical outlet in your home that uses alternating current at a much higher voltage. OAK uses alternating current between levels 1 and 121. The energy flow is in both directions.
Because of the two way energy flow, an OAK magician needs to balance and harmonize his or her higher self with their shadow self and integrate them under the rulership of the healthy human ego. In short, an OAK magician needs to be healthy physically, emotionally, and mentaly in order to handle the extreme energies they work with.
"Absolute Light" is considered as expansive and masculine or "God" energy. "Absolute Black" is considered an inward manifesting,gravitational type energy and is considered feminine or "Goddess" energy. These are the two primal power sources that drive the entire OAK magickal system. "Absolute Light" and "Absolute Black" have no moral attributes such as right or wrong. In fact, they are both considered extremely healthy and needed for life.
Level 2 is rotating magnetic field energy. This can be either clockwise or counterclock wise and either outward moving or inward moving, male or female. Level 2 energy actually links levels 1 and 121 together for the first time and creates and alternate route for the cosmic energy to flow. Rotating magnetic field energy is another name for the "magickal cone of power" that is generated during magickal work. The expansive male type of vortex is protective in nature and keeps out non harmonious influences. This is most commonly used and the deosal circle or clockwise. The counterclockwise or widdershins vortex is a manifesting vortex that aids in the physical manifesting of things. It however, mutates and alters intent to get results so it is not commonly used and considered dangerous.
Levels 3 through 120 are simply the non-physical energies of the physical elements Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium....ect. Each new level is created with the addition of one Proton (Light energy) and one electron ("Black energy). The non-physical levels 3 through 120 create the astral layers around the earth itself. The outermost layer is the Hydrogen layer, the next inner layer is the Helium layer and the next inner to that is the Lithium layer....ect. So in OAK we find exactly 118 layers in the astral world and each layer is associated with one physical element and in the non-physical aspect of that element.
The heaviest possible element has seven complete electron rings around it. Like the seven colors of the rainbow and the seven musical notes of the piano keyboard seven is very significant in nature.
In the process of evolving from Hydrogen as the first element down to the heaviest element one electron and one proton is added to create the next element. When an ring is complete a Noble Gas is formed. There are only two electrons possible in the first inner shell. This creates Helium. Thus Helium as a noble gas has the energies of both Hydrogen and Helium within it if you follow my thinking here. Helium and Hydrogen energies form the "Crown Chakra energies". These two energies together form the "Architypal world" in the astral as the highest spiritual planes.
In the same manner the non-physical aspects of Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon,Nitrogen, Oxygen, Flourine and the noble gas Neon form the "Third Eye" chakra energies. This happens in like manner for each of the remaining elements and chakras found in the human body.
OAK has found that this system of 121 types of magickal energy can explain most magickal systems now in use. The OAK chart of magickal correspondences shows how they overlap with each other.
OAK magickal training should begin by reading the three duality essays found in Magister Templi. Time should be taken at each descibed level to mentally associate a personal memory with the state of awareness described. Contrary to popular opinion all of us have experienced glimpses of each of these levels of awareness. By linking personal memories to these levels we begin the process of organizing our thoughts and memories. These essays also begin the process of balancing and integrating the "Higher Self" and the "Shadow Self" in a harmonious manner. This is similar to what Jungian Psychologists call the process of individuation. The reading and study of these three essays will furnish the first OAK initiation.
Next begin working with the Energy Ball meditation. This meditation when done correctly connects a person to both Levels 1 and 121 as Cosmic Power sources. Connecting to these Cosmic power sources greatly increases the flow of energy within the physical body. A greater flow of energy creates a greater magnetic or magickal ability to attract or repell. That greater ability to attract or repell is what we want. We also want to be able to control it.
The Energy Ball meditation also opens energy passages within the body and gets one used to experiencing and working with each of the chakra energies in the body and eliminates repressed emotional baggage and trouble spots that prevent us from moving forward. In short, it is a healing experience.
OAK 1st and 2nd Degree physical initiations help anchor the Cosmic power sources within the body. The 1st Degree anchors the "Absolute Light" energy and the 2nd Degree anchors the "Absolute Black" energy. In addition physical initiations create a parallel circuit effect because the initiator's energies are also going through you as well as your own and this lowers internal resistance and increases the energy flow within the body. Increasing the energy flow also increases the magnetic or magickal ability to repell or attract. Remember the increased ability to repell or attract is what we are looking for as well as learning how to control that ability.
That is why physical linking is such an important concept in OAK. It is not enough to become a 3rd Degree OAK member. Each 3rd Degree should try to physically link with every other 3rd degree possible to mingle the energies within him or herself and increase the magnetic or magickal ability to attract or repel.
In addition to physical initiations the student should invoke each energy level 1 through 121 into themselves in both a clockwise and counterclock wise fashion. The table of Magickal Correspondences can help have the proper associations like the proper tarot cards. I used the Golden Dawn Tarot Deck when I did it and voked the power of each appropriate card at the same time. It was long and time consuming but well worth it. Doing this increases the connection with the Cosmic power sources and the individual elemental level and makes the connection much stronger allowing more energy to flow and increasing the magickal ability to attract or repel. I went through each invocation quite rapidly perhaps doing 20 at a time.
Having done that the student should be pretty strong at the elemental level and begin work on developing the seven astral bodies out of the seven chakra energies. There are ideas on this in the "Developing Charisma " essays. These astral bodies are also developed naturally through our relationships with other people. The material on the Tarot attempts to relate this process of mutual soul growth through exchanging personal energies at various levels.
Finally and most importantly the student must develop their own personal paradigm or version of reality. They must get rid of any flaws and weak areas where energy escapes. Reading and studying the OAK materials, especially "Foundations" and the monograph series will assist in challenging and perfecting one's personal beliefs and helping them to become more effective in their personal life. Exposure to these concepts will alter one's life forever.
It is also hoped that the fully empowered 3rd Degree OAK member will choose to physically link together with other 3rd degree members for mutual empowerment.
The OAK process of magickal development is largely mechanical, if you do the work, the energy will do it's work on you. Experience in life gives us the ability to learn how to control our enhanced magickal abilities to attract those things we wish and repel those things we don't want.
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