Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Spiritual Planes and the Magickal Planes

When we consider everything that exists as photon driven energy systems that are evolving it means human awareness as well. When we consider the organizing intelligence contained within a cell that remains unconnected to the physical matter that is passed into it and out of it we understand life has evolved past the point of being completely dependent on molecular compound energy. Something exists independently in the astral as life energy.

Entering the astral is at first dependent on the energy produced through the breaking of compound molecules and the stresses of physical existence. A point is reached where existence within the astral is sustained directly through a connection with the original photon driven energy system that first created our awareness in combination with a solid earth connection through our physical body and terminating at the 118th element.

When the evolutionary force reached the 118th element and can't go any further it begins backing up and enters the astral as the life force. It is this force that first organises as bions.

This cellular intelligence and organizing principle has been called the life force, the ID, the Shadow,the Power Animal, Gaia and Lucifer. The evolutionary forces have formed this life force into a secondary personality that exists within each one of us as an alien entity.

This life force and organizing intelligence passes from living organism to living organism if possible. Consider that every living thing has been created from some other living thing. No living thing has been created out of something dead. The life force has adapted in many ways to ensure the continuity of life on planet earth.

The death of cellular life created memory traces within the astral of blueprints that recorded past life patterns through time. As those dying energy pulses returned to source they became free to enter life once more. This time able to choose the type of life they wanted to live and re-experience.

Re-entering a previously lived life meant there was a preordained destiny to follow but it also meant the ability to improve upon that individual life and make it more successful. These astral memory traces formed around living organisms and species as group souls. They also formed around the entire earth as ecosytems creating a delicate balance within all living things.

These memory traces have been called destiny, the astral, egregores, the collective,our ancestors, the Super Ego, the Divine Plan and the Holy Guardian Angel. They represent how things will be in the future because they are the memories of how things have always been.

We call this organizing intelligence our Holy Guardian Angel and it forms a secondary personality within each one of us distinct from our Shadow Aspect. It is also alien to our normal ego and is architypal in nature.

The Shadow aspect of life energy forms around the 118th element at our root chakra. The Collective forms around the earth as the memory traces created by past living systems. We as pulses of awareness choose to re-enter previously created life times and work within those conditions to bring about change in ourselves and in the expansion of life into the universe.

That pulse of awareness we call the normal human ego. With human life we find our awareness able to travel in three possible worlds. Ordinary consciousness is associated as our pulse of awareness radiates outward into the present moment. This is our awareness of physical reality.

In dreams or meditation we use energy generated during the day to enter into the underworld of the Shadow or the Spiritual worlds to explore the future as it currently exists. We term these the Spiritual Planes and the Magickal Planes.

The Spiritual Planes encircle the earth in 118 layers with the element Hydrogen creating the outermost layer. Our awareness travels through astral cords or magnetic flux lines to explore these memory traces of what is meant to happen in the future.

At the earth's core the element 118 has seven electron rings and 118 electrons. The molecules of element 118 within our DNA is linked to the earth's core and our awatreness at times travels the seven underworlds created within the 118th element. This has been termed the magickal planes, the underworld and the seven hells.

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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,


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