The Ego, Anima and Animus
We've talked about the Shadow and the Collective but what role do the ego, anima and animus play in human lives? If the Shadow and Collective are secondary personalities that need to be integrated what are the ego, anima and animus?
The normal ego is the bridge and mediator between the Shadow and the Collective when they are integrated. The Anima or Animus represent the opposite sex aspect of our own souls. Males have a feminine aspect that is not developed and females have a male aspect that is not developed. We need to have a balance of male and female for our egos to develop whole and healthy. We need to be balanced to be a true partner to someone else.
We might say the Shadow represents everything we are not. This includes the things we dislike and fear. That is why the Shadow is seen as evil and Satanic. We project fears and distortions onto it.
The Collective represents the astral memory traces of the way things have always been. It represents what we call our destiny or pathway in life. In reality there is only the present moment and the collective only suggests what might happen if we continue our present course of action.
The anima or animus respectively represents those things we wish we were but feel we aren't. The opposite sex aspect is what we find missing in ourselves. The Shadow and Collective as secondary personalities are both alien entities to our normal ego. We don't miss them because we don't consider them a part of us.
Astral energy is generated at the cellular level by our physical bodies. It can be either male or female depending on our own gender. A male physical cell can not generate female astral energy because it does not have an XX Chromosome. A female physical cell can not generate male astral energy because it does not have an XY Chromosome. This is basic biology.
The needed opposite sex energy has to come from an opposite sex partner in some manner. This is the spark between people in love relationships that attracts them together and allows their souls to grow as their energy combines. This might also be the spark that brings friends together.
Relationships can be romantic, sexual, or platonic. There are many types of male/female energy that can be shared. There are many types of love. male/female energy can even be transmitted through internet lines as many are finding out. This male/female energy can be spiritual, mental, emotional, sexual or physical. All types of energy need to be explored and it is unlikely that one person can supply them all.
Through the development of the relationship male/female energy is shared and the part of us that is missing becomes developed. We become able to find in ourselves what we were looking for in others. At that point of wholeness and completeness the spark dies and the relationship moves on either to explore new energies or it dies and you move on to find a new partner. Once we find in ourselves what we were looking for we no longer need the other person in the same way. The relationship changes and the feelings change as well. The other person is not longer special in the same way.
We may have become balanced in that energy but our unbalanced energies will act to destroy the relationship. Our partner doesn't have the required energies this time.
This is why love sparks in relationships and then later dies in some relationships. That energy was used to create astral bodies complete with psychic sensory abilities created out of a particular type of energy. The energy of love creates a healthy human ego in both people in one of the 118 possible elements. Good work! There are only 117 levels left to develop.
In actual practice and in tradition we seem to have seven great loves and not 118. We each have a soulmate partner to develop the seven chakra centers. When all seven astral bodies have been developed our ego is balanced and complete. This is the lessor work. When we are done our ego is strong enough to integrate the Collective and the Shadow. Only after all those things are done can we be healthy enough and balanced enough to find our true mate, our equal. We find them not out of need but because we are healthy enough and ready to be an equal partner in all ways.
Relationships and love do make the world go round.
The normal ego is the bridge and mediator between the Shadow and the Collective when they are integrated. The Anima or Animus represent the opposite sex aspect of our own souls. Males have a feminine aspect that is not developed and females have a male aspect that is not developed. We need to have a balance of male and female for our egos to develop whole and healthy. We need to be balanced to be a true partner to someone else.
We might say the Shadow represents everything we are not. This includes the things we dislike and fear. That is why the Shadow is seen as evil and Satanic. We project fears and distortions onto it.
The Collective represents the astral memory traces of the way things have always been. It represents what we call our destiny or pathway in life. In reality there is only the present moment and the collective only suggests what might happen if we continue our present course of action.
The anima or animus respectively represents those things we wish we were but feel we aren't. The opposite sex aspect is what we find missing in ourselves. The Shadow and Collective as secondary personalities are both alien entities to our normal ego. We don't miss them because we don't consider them a part of us.
Astral energy is generated at the cellular level by our physical bodies. It can be either male or female depending on our own gender. A male physical cell can not generate female astral energy because it does not have an XX Chromosome. A female physical cell can not generate male astral energy because it does not have an XY Chromosome. This is basic biology.
The needed opposite sex energy has to come from an opposite sex partner in some manner. This is the spark between people in love relationships that attracts them together and allows their souls to grow as their energy combines. This might also be the spark that brings friends together.
Relationships can be romantic, sexual, or platonic. There are many types of male/female energy that can be shared. There are many types of love. male/female energy can even be transmitted through internet lines as many are finding out. This male/female energy can be spiritual, mental, emotional, sexual or physical. All types of energy need to be explored and it is unlikely that one person can supply them all.
Through the development of the relationship male/female energy is shared and the part of us that is missing becomes developed. We become able to find in ourselves what we were looking for in others. At that point of wholeness and completeness the spark dies and the relationship moves on either to explore new energies or it dies and you move on to find a new partner. Once we find in ourselves what we were looking for we no longer need the other person in the same way. The relationship changes and the feelings change as well. The other person is not longer special in the same way.
We may have become balanced in that energy but our unbalanced energies will act to destroy the relationship. Our partner doesn't have the required energies this time.
This is why love sparks in relationships and then later dies in some relationships. That energy was used to create astral bodies complete with psychic sensory abilities created out of a particular type of energy. The energy of love creates a healthy human ego in both people in one of the 118 possible elements. Good work! There are only 117 levels left to develop.
In actual practice and in tradition we seem to have seven great loves and not 118. We each have a soulmate partner to develop the seven chakra centers. When all seven astral bodies have been developed our ego is balanced and complete. This is the lessor work. When we are done our ego is strong enough to integrate the Collective and the Shadow. Only after all those things are done can we be healthy enough and balanced enough to find our true mate, our equal. We find them not out of need but because we are healthy enough and ready to be an equal partner in all ways.
Relationships and love do make the world go round.
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