Thursday, April 05, 2007

Consideration of the Public Good

The Order of Anarchistic Knights might seem like an oxymoron or a paradox to some people. Isn't an anarchist against any type of order and organization? Does't being an anarchist imply getting rid of all social order and controls? Isn't that why people fear the term?

First I would like to state that the perfect form of government has existed for thousands of years virtually unchanged. It has proven itself over and over again. I am of course refering to the military as a form of government. The military is a totalitarian form of absolute government. It is complete government of everything.

I've spent eight years in the Air Force and they were good years. The military was good to me and I don't fear it. It's a good place to become invisible as long as someone is not out to make an example of you.

The problem is that large segments of society could not exist or thrive in a military structure. They would find it oppressive and confining. It would kill their spirit.

On the other hand total anarchy is not a workable system either. There needs to be some type of social controls and consensus for stability and security. These social controls should be agreed upon and accepted in a voluntary manner and not shoved down our throats as force backed law.

When the movement toward total government control gets wildly out of hand like it has today the only appropriate response is a movement toward personal freedom and anarchy. The hope is to get both sides to sit down and talk to find some compromise. If today's social movement was dangerously plunging us into a virtual state of anarchy I would be on the side of order and social control. There is a need for middle ground. Neither extreme position is viable or in the best interests of society.

Having said all that, there is a need for rugged individualists in today's world. They can lead us by example and show us how to live competent and rewarding lives. The American dream of being self employed is as real today as it ever has. I know it is my dream.

I also believe there is a movement to confuse the American public and lead them into economic slavery. The solution for today's problems is not the economic enslavement of humanity but the freedom of the individual to follow his or her own path and conscience. The use of initiatory force against an individual is never justified and must be fought at all cost.

There is a wrong minded thinking that insists on forcing compliance upon others through coersion and legislation. There is not the consensus viewpoint anymore but the veiwpoint of a few powerful people trying to ensure they retain those positions of power for themselves.

The Order of Anarchistic Knights offers an alternative for a new consensus reality. The idea is to put new concepts out on the table and get people thinking about them and talking about them. It's time to come up with a new consensus view of the world we want to live in. Don't believe what I have to say but use it as a springboard to discover what you believe. Then let's talk. Perhaps what you want and what I want are not that far apart. Perhaps we can find a way to live according to internal authority and not external authority.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,


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