Saturday, April 28, 2007

When You Empower the Individual

The question at hand is whether human society requires external authority and force backed laws to ensure compliance and order within our civilization.

There is a fundamental error in this type of thinking. Success, adaptability and competency are what makes things right in our world. There is no need for rule through force and intimidation in today's world.

In nature symbiotic relationships form to create the "circle of life". This creates a balanced win-win situation for the entire ecosystem and the life forms within it. Originally our legal system was created and intended to do much the same thing. Laws were meant to be a collective agreement that was flexible and adaptive to new situations.

Today's casual use of initiatory force against individuals to enforce social compliance can never be justified. Might does not make right. When oppression and force become unbearable human society will reject the existing structure and make a quantum leap into a new more advanced social structure. The old external authorities will be abandoned.

Be on guard against any attempts to rationalize how important the New World Order and stricter regulations are to human society. America was founded upon the concepts of rugged individualism, self-competency and collective agreement. It was not created to restrict the American population and force them into ecomonic slavery.

I am convinced that the safest course is in the development of self-discipline within the individual and the growth of the Christ Spirit within our hearts. This is our internal authority that is most precious to each one of us. We need to place our trust in each other and in the inherent goodness of the human race in order to survive. Believing in the highest good brings out the highest good in each of us.

External authority and gun backed force through terror and intimidation can not in the long run be in the best interest of the individual or the nation as a whole. In this matter good intentions only make things worse by not dealing with the core issues but instead handing personal power over to a government only too happy to place restrictions on personal freedom and civil liberties.

I feel certain that my words speak with a force of truth that can be recognized by all. My message is very simple. When you empower the individual you empower everyone.

The Order of Anarchistic Knights is a magickal order devoted to the empowerment of the human race and all individuals. You are currently viewing 3rd Degree study material based on community and brotherhood. 1st degree study material is based on metaphysics and occult research. This is found in Magister Templi. 2nd degree study material is based on physical self-empowerment. This is found in Modern Survivalism.

Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. This includes material too personal or sacred to share with the general public. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place! Available to OAK membership only.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Individual Competency

The anarchist and survivalism movements preach individual competency and rugged individualism as supreme goals and they are in one sense. They are a healthy counter movement in response to the sickness of living in an artificial world that has lost touch with the realites of life and survival.

Instead of being allowed to experience the natural consequences of our actions we experience false consequences that reward passive acceptance of external authorities and force backed laws. We are being trained to be passive and to allow others to make decisions for us that affect our lives. The right to choose is slowly being taken away from us item by item.

We have produced a society that is decadent and non-vital. We no longer want to produce values through hard work and effort. Instead we want to consume without giving back and that is against the laws of nature. The circle of life demands a give and take in all things. The anarchist and survivalist movements understand this and their message is to connect with physical reality before it is too late. Their message is to start giving back before it is too late.

On the other hand it is too easy to be an extremist. Emotionally charged arguements raise passions and lower rational thought. People vote with their emotions and not with their minds. The loudest voice is not always the right one.

Anarchists and survivalists cannot forget the collective community. None of us are an island. We live in a world of other people and we need each other. It is time to reawaken the concept of government by the people and for the people. This means government that is collectively agreed upon by all parties not one backed by force and guns. When our government reaches the point it needs to force compliance onto a resistive citizenry it needs to be rethought.

Extreme movements to the left and the right can only polarize and worsen divisive issues making things worse. Can government be for rugged individualism and competency? Is there a resolution to the paradox? Our founding fathers once thought it was possible. They spoke of the need for a federal govenment and how it was just as important as rugged individualism. They never intended the monstrousity that now threatens personal freedom and imposes economic slavery at increasing levels. They never intended unwed mothers continue to get pregnant so they can recieve aid from social services.

Change comes out of need and there is a current need for something new. The law of nature is the law of survival and adaptability. We don't need to be the biggest predators but we do need to be the most adaptable and successful.

Right now our country is ruled by predators that make their living by creating a world where people are passive, dependent and struggling against unrelenting poverty. The middle class that once made America strong is dissapearing and will soon be gone. What will take its place? What artificial horror will be offered as a solution to the medicare and social security crisis? What will happen when physical reality collides with smooth talking politicians that will say anything to get elected? What will happen when the threat of religious damnation is not enough to fill the offering plate? What will happen when people once more do business on a handshake without calling in a team of lawyers first? What will happen what a legal system based upon precedence confronts unprecedented and unimaginable issues?

Humans are essentially honest and hardworking. Why are we being forced into dishonesty and laziness? We can help each other and work together toward individual competency, not toward external authority. Self-discipline is the answer, not coercive laws. Individual action is the answer and not individual passiveness. This is especially true at the grass roots level.

Life is precious and if we are not waking up in the morning excited about the coming day there is something dreadfully wrong and it is not something the government or external authority can fix. If we are spending our lives in fear of terrorism the government can not make it right by placing more restrictions on personal freedoms. Only we can make our lives worth living by not asking someone else to do what we should be doing ourselves.

It is time for the American public to become active, not reactive. It is time to say once more government by the people and for the people as collective agreement. It is time for all of the world's rugged individualists and survivalists to stand up and be counted in their local communities. They are the only ones that know what needs to be done and it needs to be done collectively. That is the solution to the paradox.

The Order of Anarchistic Knights is a magickal order devoted to the empowerment of the human race and all individuals. You are currently viewing 3rd Degree study material based on community and brotherhood. 1st degree study material is based on metaphysics and occult research. This is found in Magister Templi. 2nd degree study material is based on physical self-empowerment. This is found in Modern Survivalism.

Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. This includes material too personal or sacred to share with the general public. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place! Available to OAK membership only.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Don't be too hasty

There are lots of grey areas in life. Things are not as black and white as they seem. Two important axioms of chaos theory are that all inputs are valid and everything connects to everything else. There is a cliche that the wind from a butterfly's wings in Japan can influence the weather pattern in Kansas. It is impossible to tell where one influence ends and another begins.

This is true in political institutions and organizations as well. In every corner of life we can find men and women doing evil under the guize of right intention. The war in Iraq is but one example. Even more confusing are the honest errors of a voting public led astray by precocieved jealousies and fears.

People actually believe they are voting in good conscience for the right things. We see enlightened people on the wrong sides of issues as well as on the right side. This is the limitation of logic and reason. Each side has a portion of the truth and it is only the resolution of the paradox that is worth pursuing.

For these and other reasons we can suggest moderation and caution in making strong positions for social change. It is too easy to apply force and coercion under the guise of social neccessity when in reality self imposed discipline can work as well or much better.

Anytime we see a person or cause loaded with emotional and provacative slogans we do well to question the underlying nature of such saber rattling. Sadly emotional issues are also battle grounds for personal ambition, avarice and animousity. Some people take advantage of the emotional content and use it for personal gain not caring one particle for the real issue.

An example in point is Anarchist World. I use the term anarchist in a way that is not familiar and it tends to polarize people either for or against the site. For me the term anarchist means to be true to an inner authority and not to an external authority. The casual reader including my own children and my wife misunderstand my own stance on this. To them the trigger word "Anarchist" means something that they do not want to associate with. They are being hasty.

I've mentioned Anarchist World is in reaction to an increased movement toward the one world order and the economic enslavement of the human race. An extreme in one movement can only be met by an extreme in the other direction. People can not be forced into social conformity. They can not be made to change their minds on things they feel strongly about. I've heard it said the opposition never changes its mind. If we are lucky we can outlive them. Old age and death removes the opposition, not dialogue.

We can say with conviction and an understanding of human nature that we will never change the opinions or beliefs of those trying to bring about the new world order. They remain convinced coercive force is needed to bring required social conformity into the world. Laws backed with guns and economic sanctions are thought to be needed to preserve the free world.

This is twisted thinking that does not need to be tolerated. While terror and intimidation are effective the solution is not to be the biggest predator. We do not need to be bullied by the government to protect us from ourselves and our neighbors.

Self-esteem, assertiveness and competency of living by example can change the world. This is the new message to proclaim to everyone that will listen! People do care about family, friends, loved ones and community. They care about these things locally on the grass roots level. By taking care of what is in our own back yard there will be no need for external authority to tell us what we can and can not do.

Anarchist World is doing just that by spreading a message of hope and belief in the human race and in the productive individual. Might does not make right. Competency makes right. The incompetent do not deserve to be in positions of power. The incompetent do not deserve to make our decisions for us. We do not need to bully the bully. We only need to stand our ground and not allow threat, coercive force and intimidation to work against us. We do not need to give our power away!

The Order of Anarchistic Knights is a magickal order devoted to the empowerment of the human race and all individuals. You are currently viewing 3rd Degree study material based on community and brotherhood. 1st degree study material is based on metaphysics and occult research. This is found in Magister Templi. 2nd degree study material is based on physical self-empowerment. This is found in Modern Survivalism.

Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. This includes material too personal or sacred to share with the general public. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place! Available to OAK membership only.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Consideration of the Public Good

The Order of Anarchistic Knights might seem like an oxymoron or a paradox to some people. Isn't an anarchist against any type of order and organization? Does't being an anarchist imply getting rid of all social order and controls? Isn't that why people fear the term?

First I would like to state that the perfect form of government has existed for thousands of years virtually unchanged. It has proven itself over and over again. I am of course refering to the military as a form of government. The military is a totalitarian form of absolute government. It is complete government of everything.

I've spent eight years in the Air Force and they were good years. The military was good to me and I don't fear it. It's a good place to become invisible as long as someone is not out to make an example of you.

The problem is that large segments of society could not exist or thrive in a military structure. They would find it oppressive and confining. It would kill their spirit.

On the other hand total anarchy is not a workable system either. There needs to be some type of social controls and consensus for stability and security. These social controls should be agreed upon and accepted in a voluntary manner and not shoved down our throats as force backed law.

When the movement toward total government control gets wildly out of hand like it has today the only appropriate response is a movement toward personal freedom and anarchy. The hope is to get both sides to sit down and talk to find some compromise. If today's social movement was dangerously plunging us into a virtual state of anarchy I would be on the side of order and social control. There is a need for middle ground. Neither extreme position is viable or in the best interests of society.

Having said all that, there is a need for rugged individualists in today's world. They can lead us by example and show us how to live competent and rewarding lives. The American dream of being self employed is as real today as it ever has. I know it is my dream.

I also believe there is a movement to confuse the American public and lead them into economic slavery. The solution for today's problems is not the economic enslavement of humanity but the freedom of the individual to follow his or her own path and conscience. The use of initiatory force against an individual is never justified and must be fought at all cost.

There is a wrong minded thinking that insists on forcing compliance upon others through coersion and legislation. There is not the consensus viewpoint anymore but the veiwpoint of a few powerful people trying to ensure they retain those positions of power for themselves.

The Order of Anarchistic Knights offers an alternative for a new consensus reality. The idea is to put new concepts out on the table and get people thinking about them and talking about them. It's time to come up with a new consensus view of the world we want to live in. Don't believe what I have to say but use it as a springboard to discover what you believe. Then let's talk. Perhaps what you want and what I want are not that far apart. Perhaps we can find a way to live according to internal authority and not external authority.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

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