Our social and political world is so filled with lies and deceit it is almost impossible to determine what is real and what is true. Every great issue seems to deteriorate into a shouting match where the loudest and angriest proclaim themselves the winner. There is little interest or tolerance for what the other side is trying to say.
Is it coincidence that a person can find within each political party a 50/50 split of things they believe in and things they do not believe in? If there was a list of the top 20 things I believe in the most why must the Democrats have 10 and the Republicans have 10? Of the top 20 things I despise the most why is the same thing true? The Democrats endorse half and the Republicans endorse the other half.
Why are the issues forced into a dual/oppositional tug of war that will never find resolution? Why do the parties align themselves in this manner?
Government of the people as collective agreement needs to be distinguished from the force backed coercive government that exists today. Can anyone really believe in the restraints that are being imposed on free individuals? Does the American public really collectively support what is going on? I doubt it.
What about the rabble rousers that stir the emotions of the public and gain their support only to back down into silence once they have the power and the money. If a cause is just today won't it be as just tomorrow as well? Does power really corrupt that much? How can we thread a path through these distortions and remain true to the inner voice of our conscience?
There is a need to believe in the goodness of people and also in the need for vigilance in the protection of personal freedom. Like the martial artist we may bow to our opponent in respect but keep our eyes open to avoid a kick in the face. This path is a delicate balance that balances competency and supportiveness in a unique way. This is how to be assertive without being agressive. The question is how can our passive society learn this path or must we keep rebounding from one extreme to the other?
An important first step is the open discussion of paradox resolution. The masses need to feel they have choices in who and what they are voting for but that is an illusion. Vote Democrat or Republican and you are still voting for a member of the Trilateral Commision and the New World Order. We are given the illusion of choices A,B and C but choice D is never voiced and not even known to exist. It's time we started talking about choice D.
Modern technology is creating an electronic web that infiltrates every aspect of our lives. We are slowly being crowded into corners where compliance is the only choice. What does this mean for personal freedom? What happens when the laws and regulations become so restrictive that the normal human being can not comply? This is already happening as people drive without insurance or a valid license. What happens when the laws become unenforcable because too many disregard them?
Is it time for stronger and tougher enforcement? You will hear a lot about this in days to come because technology is making this very possible and likely. The creation of tougher laws and restrictions can not right the wrongs of the world. Coercive force is not the answer. Collective agreement is the answer.
This will take the collective agreement of rugged individualists and those competent in living skills. It will take place on a grass roots level as people begin to talk about option D, the choice that is never voiced.
What is option D? The development of self-discipline within each individual and the allowance of natural consequences in nature. Each person has the innate right to experience the natural consequences of their life choices, good or bad. What gives government the right to alter natural law?
When it comes right down to it there is only one thing that matters. Personal effort is what matters. Everything else is illusion. Even someone that makes mistakes will learn from their efforts. In fact, that is how most of us learn. Personal effort is cummulative and we gain skill and competency with each new attempt.
The lie and deceit is that trying to help someone that won't be helped is worthwhile. Most people will not change until the pressures of survival force them to change. There is a great need for tough love in this country. We can't keep bailing people out that are not even trying to change.
The law of nature demands discipline. This can either be self-imposed or externally imposed. Why are we never told about the option of self-imposed discipline? Perhaps that would not be in the interests of those that would economically enslave the world. We are only told about externally imposed discipline through force backed law.

The Order of Anarchistic Knights is a magickal order devoted to the empowerment of the human race and all individuals. You are currently viewing 3rd Degree study material based on community and brotherhood. 1st degree study material is based on metaphysics and occult research. This is found in Magister Templi. 2nd degree study material is based on physical self-empowerment. This is found in Modern Survivalism.

Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. This includes material too personal or sacred to share with the general public. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place! Available to OAK membership only.
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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
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