Curses and Blessings
There is a dual quality to the magickal universe. When energy flows in one direction something else comes in to take its place. Nature does not allow a vacuum.
I look around the house and see electrical outlets everywhere. The wires run inside the walls where I can't see them. Guess what's running inside the wires? Electricity? Much more than electricity! Magnetic fields radiate from the wires. There is a pulsing you can almost hear. It's called the 60 cycle hum and if you've ever gotten a shock from it you will recognize the feeling.
But the biggest thing I want to point out is the type of electricity that runs through the walls and literally encases us in a magickal magnetic web. I'm talking about alternating current! The current flows in both directions back and forth. First it's positive, then it's negative.
Alternating current is a form of vibratory energy and the entire physical universe as well as the magickal universe consists largely of alternating current and magnetic force lines or astral cords.
Like the yin/yang symbol that is half male and half female the energy that flows through us is half outward expansive energy and half inward constricting energy. This is how nature keeps in balance. Life contains both and is bitter-sweet. Living a magickal life is bitter-sweet.
No matter what we do there are certain things we can't get because we repell them. Other things we don't want are attracted to us. Is that our curse? To repell the things we want and attract the things we don't want? Is that what life is about?
Magically speaking it is possible to attract the things we want and repell the things we don't want but it is very hard work to reach that stage of magickal development. It requires a complete reversal of the energy flow within us.
That means learning to see curses as blessings and blessings as curses.
Curses are opportunities to become aware of our weaknesses and work on them. They hit where we are the most vulnerable and not where we are strong. The only way to become strong is to develop our weak areas. This is what curses make us do. We struggle against them and learn from our mistakes. With trial and error we develop competency and then mastery. When that happens the curse is broken. It can't harm us anymore. The weak link becomes just as strong as the rest of the chain.
Blessings attract things to us that we haven't earned. They make life too easy and we take things for granted. Because things are so easy we don't try very hard. The simple truth is magickal development is about effort. If things are too easy we will not develop magickally.
In all of this there is both bad news and good news.
The bad news is there will always be magickal energy flowing against you. There will always be curses. The good news is there will always be energy flowing in your favor. There will always be blessings. This is the alternating current effect and it fills the entire universe. You can't get away from it. Life is bitter-sweet. Get used to it. Learn to love it.
How can you enjoy prosperity when those you love and care about are going through hard times? This is only an example. What good is having fancy toys to play with if there is no one to share them with you?
When one goal is reached another will take it's place. When one fear is confronted another will take its place as well. The answer lies not in the destination but in the quality of life along the way!
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