Monday, February 26, 2007

Magickal Power and bions

When a crystal is struck physically or by light it may give off electricity. This is called the piezo-electric effect. Living cells give off bions when they are stressed or when they die. These bions are small particles of astral energy created from the breakdown of chemicals within the living system.

Emotional energy is one form of bion but mental energy, spiritual energy, sexual energy and physical energy are all forms of bions produced by the human body. Each chakra center creates and functions with it's own type of bion associated with specific organs of the body. Bions don't really have their own energy. They are astral creations and draw energy from physical substances. They also draw energy from light and from the earth.

Emotions are largely produced by the digestive system in the breakdown of nutrients to create energy. Mental energy is generated from the firing of nerve synapses and depletes the body of potassium and sodium. We experience the movement of bions within the body as emotions and other types of astral energy including thought. The human body creates spiritual, mental,emotional, sexual and physical energy through the chemical breakdown of compound molecules and cellular tissue.

Any type of magickal energy depletes the body of vital nutrients. The energy is created from the breakdown of chemical bonds in molecules stored within the cells in the body. This is why many people are so exhausted after magickal workings. Their physical body has been doing all of the work. The cells are releasing the energy as bions. There are others sources of bions as well in the environment.

Burning incense, candles, or heating potions do the same thing and create bions that circulate in the room adding catalyst to the magickal working. Wilhelm Riech observed that the destruction of organic matter created bions and Orgone energy.

He also observed that bions and Orgone energy clustered around living things, especially plants. These bions could be collected and their effects would be more intense. The effect of Orgone energy, bions or magickal energy is the same. It acts as an accelerant and speeds up or ages what ever it comes in contact with. It will cause a chemical reaction to happen more quickly. It will cause radioactive material to decay more rapidly. It will find the weak spot or illness and attack it. It uses things up and the physical body needs to replace the depeleted material.

At first there is a toxic quality to working with bions and astral energy. As the body becomes more efficient at replacing its energy reserves the toxic effect goes away and is replaced by a vitality. The vitality is increased magnetism as the physical body draws more nutrients to itself and expells toxins more easily and rapidly. Increased vitality also increases the available energy stored within the body to be used at will.

In healthy people the magickal practitioner seems younger because new fresh nutrients are being drawn into the body at a faster rate than normal and waste material is effectively eliminated easily and quickly. Bions act as a tonic to keep the body healthy by making everything function at an optimum level.

The body is created to act like a sponge strongly attracting and drawing in what it needs and forcibly ejecting toxins. It needs to be emptied and it needs to be filled up again. Maximum health can be attained through hard work and exercise on a daily basis.

In magickal work it speeds up the process of the attainment of some desired object or goal. In protective magick it can neutralize toxic energy by aging it until it becomes harmless. In this manner we can see that bions drain stored energy from physical objects and people to maintain their own existence.

Bions will accumulate in certain objects as well as in physical bodies. At other times they float randomly near the earth's surface carried by the water and wind. Bions are astral formations capable of sustaining themselves by drawing energy from light and the breakdown of chemical compounds as well as drawing energy from the earth.

In practical terms the quantity of bions we have available for magickal use determines the voltage and charge of our available magickal energy. The type of bions determines the type of magick we will be able to perform.

Bions will simply float around us as an emotional or astral cloud unless we have an astral body developed to control and direct the flow of bions. Without an astral body we can not control these bions and make use of them. The exception to this is that our Shadow and our HGA are fully functional and independent entities with astral bodies. In the beginning it is either one of these that will make use of our magickal energy. This is why an important magickal task is to integrate our Shadow or HGA.

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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Boundary Between Physical and Astral

The secret of astral vs physical first shows up at the cellular level. Somehow there is a guiding intelligence and organizational awareness surrounding each living cell. This organizing and guiding intelligence remains even when new neutrients pass into the cell and waste materials pass out.

What this means metaphysically is that something exists independent of raw physical matter. It also has the ability to detach from old matter and attatch to new matter. While the cell lives this is the vital life force and the aura that surrounds it. When the cell dies this aura or "ghost" moves on and is attracted to another living cell. It assists this new cell to follow its old behaviors.

In these two examples we find both living astral entities and spirit or ghost astral entities or organizing intelligences.

The living astral intelligence has the sole purpose of keeping the individual organism alive. It is created from the vital life force of living things and ultimately creates the "Shadow" aspect or "Power Animal". It is worth noting that this "Shadow" of vital life force can transfer itself from one cell to another in order to remain alive. In occult terminology a shaman's Shadow can be transmitted to an apprentice that is properly trained. The Shadow exists in the astral as living "life energy".

Spirit or ghost organizing intelligences move more easily from one organism to another. They form the group soul of a species and will sacrifice the individual for the good of the collective. This holistic organizing intelligence seeks to maintain the entire ecosystem in balance so it can sustain life permanently.
It contains the wisdom of what has gone before and offers a path for new life to follow. In the individual this creates the "Holy Guardian Angel" aspect.

As cellular life evolved into organisms they split into male and female. The rudimentary Holy Guardian Angel aspect attached itself to male organisms and the Shadow aspect attached to female organisms. The task of the HGA was to keep the ecosystem balanced and the task of the Shadow was to create new life.

In todays world things have evolved to the point where we find the HGA and the Shadow aspects in both males and females equally. One aspect will be dominant and the other will be dormant waiting to be developed. Biblical terminology has called those with the HGA dominant "Sons and daughters of God" and those with the Shadow dominant "Sons and daughters of Man".

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Priest, Ruler, Warrior and Healer

In other material I've covered the first four types of cellular life. These were each created from one of the four parts of sine wave energy.

The first type of life was vegetable life, the second animal life, the third reptile life and the final type of cell formed the origins of insect life. In living organisms these form the basis of the respiratory system(plant),circulatory system(animal),nervous system(reptile) and the disgestive system(insect).

These four types of life are symbolized as the four Archangels that stand before the throne of God. Each one of us has a soul that originated from one of these four Architypes.

Ancient wisdom states we belong to one of these four groups and must find our own soul group. In the caste system these are the castes of Priest, Ruler, Warrior and Healer.

The Priest is absorbed in our connection with light and he or she channels that energy to the rest of the world. It is the Priest that attains cosmic consciousness and learns the will of God and Goddess. He will give needed council to the ruler as needed.

The Ruler is absorbed in the administrative tasks of the human collective. She organizes and directs needed activity and discipines wrongful actions. She represents the hierarchy within the human race. This is especially true of a Matriarchal system.

The Warrior serves the Ruler and carries out her will in all things. His aggression and courage ensure that her will is supreme. He is the Rulers mate and his fearocity matched her own. His is the will to live and survive no matter what. He does what needs to be done.

The Healer is today's scientist and doctor. She uses technology to heal the world and the human race. It is her task to heal the mess the other three create and form a united symbiotic system out of them all. She completes the circle of life even as the Ruler creates it.

In terms of the Holy Guardian Angel and the Shadow the Priest finds its Shadow in the Warrior and the Ruler finds her Shadow in the Healer and vice versa. The Warrior finds his shadow in the Priest and the Healer finds her Shadow in the Ruler.

In becoming complete each soul must become either Priest/Warrior or Ruler/Healer. They will find their soulmate in the others. The Priest/Warrior will find his soulmate in the Ruler/Healer and she will find him when the time is right.

The first step is to find what soul group you belong to and perfect that training and skill. Then connect with your Shadow aspect and develop that as well. This is the underlying basis of all occult and metaphysical literature.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

Friday, February 02, 2007

Submission to the Shadow

Submission to the Shadow or Etheric Double or Power Animal is very different than submission to your HGA. For one thing instead of the death of the ego you confront the loss of your humanity. You become a human animal for a time at least.

For me first contact came as an act of will. I willed the point of my awareness to plunge as deeply into the blackness as possible. It was like falling into a pit or being sucked into a black hole. There was fear of what I might encounter but not of loosing who I was. We might say the first step in submission to the Shadow is the intentional act of falling into darkness.

Like an air bubble in the water you can't stay there and come back up. When you come back up you bring an attatchment of dark energy with you and raise it up as high as you can to connect it with the light. We might say the second step is raising the black energy up into us as high as possible in an effort to fill us with it.

I had a vivid dream over ten years ago of standing on the shore of a mighty ocean fishing. I caught this huge monster that was all teeth and pulled it up onto the shore. As it came onto the shore I realized that I could control it through the line that connected us together. I called it my "alligator puppy". Somehow I knew that it was not my enemy but my friend and I would need it to fight my battles and to protect me from harm. We might say the third step is the realization our Shadow is not a monster but a friend with the sacred task of protecting us from harm.

My "alligator puppy" was not my Shadow but a shadow aspect that was integrated. I was learning to live and exist in the same astral world as my Shadow. This "alligator puppy" was in competition with my Shadow.

Our shadow is buried under our twisted fears and distorted thinking. Everything evil and unclean is thrown on top of it. Everything we hate and despise as not us is falsely thrust upon our Shadow. The shadow and the black energy is not evil. It is sacred and pure. It is the blackness of the womb before birth. It is the blackness of the earth that gives life. We might say the fourth step is the purification of our black energy.

As we begin to use our own black energy others send their black "shit" energy our way as well. We must learn to transmute and detoxify any type of black energy so we can use it as we wish. This means becoming immune to the toxic effects of other peoples black energy. We might say this period is one of attracting bad things and learning to cope with them.

Developing other astral bodies was a key part in the submision to the shadow. Every astral body I developed over several years was fought over astrally with a giant serpent or dragon. For a long time I thought the serpent was an alien life form. Later I came to realize it was my true Shadow. It was my task to control it and it didn't want to be controlled.

Only after all seven astral bodies were fully developed would the final integration of the Shadow take place. I opened a portal where my feet touched the earth and a glowing yellow greenish light came forth. I lifted the greenish light and surrounded myself in it like a cocoon. It sealed me inside like an egg. It was tough and rubbery and pulled my astral bodies down into the earth and intensified my earth connection.

Many times I would raise energy out of the earth and surround myself in the blackness. More importantly I did Russian Kettlebell exercises. The Shadow is created out of physical energies not sexual or emotional energies. The only way to integrate the Shadow is to generate lots of physical energy through hard physical exertions.

When the integration finally happened I was intoxicated with the power I felt around me. My spirit was walking in the underworld of the Shaman. I was able to function in the world of Voodoo and reconnect with my ancestors. The mighty serpent had become my "soulmate" and was constantly at my side.

As time went on my Shadow or power animal appeared to be evolving to become more human. I can't really say when the integration happened but I can say that I went a bit crazy. I gave away everything I owned and moved to Washington DC to live with a woman I had only met once. I knew that I was strong enough to start my life over from scratch and I did.

People around me felt the black earth energy and were afraid of me. They thought I had gone crazy or "evil". Just as quickly my life normalized and I moved back to Minnesota to rebuild my life as a new person. The implications of integrating my Shadow are new and I'm still learning as things happen. What I can say is that the longing for an earth connection and the black energy has resulted in a polarity shift and my soul now seeks the light as it so recently craved the darkness.

I have become rooted in the energy of the earth as firmly as a giant OAK tree. I do not doubt the strength of this connection.

I feel the dark energy rising and bringing its own influence and insight into my life. For the first time in ten years I am reading philosophical literature and developing a modern magickal paradigm. This is not head tripping but something much more real and immediate that works. It is connected to the earth.

My soul no longer attracts "black energy" and negative events. Good things are happening and my ability to draw positive things and manifest them physically is the strongest it has ever been in my life.

I feel the black swirl around me at times in a comforting way that is very hard to describe. I am learning to trust in its strength. I am feeling the magick.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magick,Mystery and Madness Technorati Tags : occult, witchcraft, wicca, pagan, paganism, shaman, shamnism, sexuality, spells,

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